Nacho Sauce

Bautz'ner Sauce


Bautz'ner Senf & Feinkost GmbH 


Packaging design



Sometimes less means more, and our project created for the Bautzner brand, based on a simple cartoon style, perfectly reflects this. By focusing on basic shapes, bold outlines, and vibrant colors, we create visual stories that entertain, engage, leave a lasting impression, and above all, stand out among the competition.

It's not always necessary to include a large snack photo on the packaging. To achieve a unique design, it's enough to deviate slightly from established market standards and concentrate on proper visual communication to convey the tastiness of the product. 


Identyfikacja Wizualna

Bautzner burger sauce
bautzner sandwich sauce

Our design philosophy is centered around extracting the essence of the message through a few, yet impactful elements. Every line, shape, and color is meticulously chosen to create cohesive compositions that catch the eye and communicate the message clearly and playfully. 

Bautzner Sauce labels
hot dog
hot dog

Schauen Sie sich andere Projekte
in unserem Portfolio an.

Los, hab keine Scheu


Zwei neue Produktlinien aus köstlichen, ausgewählten Früchten



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